Place hook firmly in your vise. |
Add 8-wraps of lead wire and shove the coil up into the bead cavity. Match the lead wire to the diameter of the hook wire. This adds weight and keeps the bead in place while tying. |
Attach your thread and bring it to the rear. |
Select a well-market indio Coq de Leon feather and stroke out the fibers. |
Seperate about this many. |
Remove them and measure them for length (3/4 the hook shank or so). |
Secure them at the rear. |
Use the butt ends to build a taper to the wire. |
Grab some pearl Quill Body. |
Secure it behind the wire, using it to further the taper... |
...as you secure it back to the tail. |
Apply a tacky dubbing wax to your thread. I prefer Loon's High Tack Swax. |
Find your light olive Venison Bubbing. |
Touch it to the waxed thread... |
...allowing the wax to grab what it will. |
Spin the bobbin to twist the thread and lock in the fur and fibers. |
Wrap the mess forward to the thorax (1/2 mark of shank). |
Wax again. |
Find some pink fine UV ice dubbing. Chop it up a bit with your scissors. |
Touch it to the thread... |
...and spin. |
Cover the thorax region. |
Select a brown rooster hackle whose fibers are about twice the gap in length. |
Remove the base fibers to expose the stem. |
Tie it in behind the bead. |
Take your thread to the rear in wide open turns. |
Palmer the hackle to the rear in wide open turns. Shoot for 4 wraps. |
At the rear catch it in with your thread using one wrap... |
...and continue to wrap the thread forward through the hackle. This will act to strengthen the hackle. |
Bring the pearl ribbing up through the hackle too, for a neat effect and even more strength. |
Wax a wee bit of thread. |
Touch some more UV Ice to the thread. Spin thread. |
Dub just behind the bead to cover the thread wraps and form a soft collar that bleeds to the rear. Whip and clip.
Tying Note: I demonstrated a more conventional method of tying. When I tie these myself, I affix the ribbing then advance the thread forward to the bead. Then I add the hackle, touch dub the thorax, touch dub the abdomen so my thread naturally ends at the the rear. Then I proceed to palmer the hackle, secure with thread and add the rib. |
A completed Card Collector (palmered version). |
An alternate version eliminates the palmered hackle in favor of a traditional hackle collar. I am finding this dressing to be only slightly less productive. It will fish deeper. |